Andrew Medlicott Andrew Medlicott

Financial Assistance - an outdated regime?

Do you know what financial assistance is? If not, you’re definitely not alone – this is an area of corporate law that many overlook when contemplating a capital transaction but is one that can have serious consequences if ignored.

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Nicholas Harrington Nicholas Harrington

RBA's Payments System Board 2023 Annual Report - TL:DR

Last month the RBA's Payment System Board released their annual report. This annual report offers payments nerds a wealth of fresh stats and a good summary of key trends. This year's version did not disappoint. Read all about the key takeaways here.

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Edwin Zhang Edwin Zhang

Significant changes to the ESOP rules are here…

Important changes to ESOP rules were introduced in October 2022, including significant changes to the disclosure requirements and the risk profile for anyone involved in promoting ESOPs.

If you have either an existing ESOP, or are thinking about introducing an ESOP, then you will need to ensure that you are familiar with the new rules.

To get a sense of what has changed, please read our full article on the reform using the link here.

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Andrew Medlicott Andrew Medlicott

Is your business ready for changes to the unfair contracts regime taking effect in November?

Last year, the Australian government introduced significant reforms to the rules governing unfair contract terms. Gone are the days of “rolling the dice” that an unfair term will simply be unenforceable, with outright bans coming into effect, coupled with the risk of significant fines for non-compliance.

These reforms will take effect on 10 November 2023 and represent a fundamental shift in policy, ushering in a new era of risk and accountability for businesses using standard form contracts. Businesses only have a few months to ensure that their standard form contracts are compliant.

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Alex Feldman Alex Feldman

The art of joyriding

Tiger & Bear Partners has decided that it’s time to bring back our joy rides and the constant chatter about them. For us, this is picking up where we left off. For others, this post may be the start of a new habit. If you’re reading this, think of a small thing that you can do today that brings you joy. Then do it and tell everyone about it.

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Rochelle Schuenker Rochelle Schuenker

Why investing in protecting your brand is equally, if not more important, than investing in the brand itself

If you hear “Red Bull”, “Apple”, “Netflix” or “Qantas”, odds are you have an immediate reaction and you may not have even used the product! Why? All these companies invest heavily in their brand and allow it to transcend their products or services and become a broader representation of their business, their vision and most importantly you, their customer.

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Alex Feldman Alex Feldman

The future of retail energy and the importance of connectivity

I’ve written before on the importance of reimagining the model for energy retailers and now I want to explore the convergence between telco and energy. I don’t mean that in the simple sense that energy retailers will sell mobile plans and vice versa. What I mean is that connectivity, as provided by telco infrastructure giants, will become fundamental to energy retailers.

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Andrew Medlicott Andrew Medlicott

Why you should act now on CDR for Energy

Open Energy is almost upon us. By November this year, the big 3 retailers will need to comply with the Consumer Data Right laws as accredited data holders (ADHs) and share their customer’s data with their consent by November this year. If you’re a tier two retailer or intermediary and want to leverage CDR data from November to help your prospective customers make more informed purchasing decisions, you need to start thinking now.

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Alex Feldman Alex Feldman

A different approach to learning and development budgets

We've seen how lots of different businesses allocate and deploy L&D budgets. More recently, we decided to turn our minds to our own business in context of investing in our continued development. We have taken a different approach and thought to share the experience. In short, we picked an approach that keeps the team focussed on one general area but allows each person to choose the right version of the experience to suit their circumstances.

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Alex Feldman Alex Feldman

Never turn up with a blank page

Often the first approach to a problem is to “just get in a room to work it out”. But does this ever really work? Or is it just an inefficient way to do work by committee. The most fruitful and effective meetings are those where someone takes ownership for that meeting. Someone has to put their hand up in the first instance to take the lead and have the first crack to avoid the group pondering what should be on the blank page.

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Peter O'Connell Peter O'Connell

Culture is the bedrock of high performing organisations

Culture is the bedrock of high performing organisations: it can flatten the health curve of employees, especially the mental health curve. While the planet has been focussed on flattening the Covid curve, savvy managers have continued to focus on the health gradient of their employees.

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Rosa Smith Rosa Smith

Should all stakeholders be considered equal?

It’s easy to neglect a stakeholder group, particularly if that stakeholder group isn’t one that you have frequent direct interaction with, or they don’t play a direct role in a particular project or transaction that you’re working on. But every stakeholder has a role to play at some stage In any project, transaction or strategy and it is important that they are front of mind from the outset.

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Alex Feldman Alex Feldman

M&A for start-ups

Founders have naturally dedicated countless years toward building a successful product or service offering and raising capital. Once they have kicked some huge goals in both fields, M&A is now on their radar. While every situation is different, I thought to consolidate some general principles which I think are good practice and should have broad application for start-ups considering M&A.

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M&A, Communications Rosa Smith M&A, Communications Rosa Smith

Successful M&A Communications – It’s all in the detail

While the Board and management and deal advisors may all be clear what the strategic rationale for the transaction is along the way, if this is not communicated to the wider business, particularly those responsible for the technical, cultural and operational aspects then all those strategic benefits may be erased and much of the deal value can be eroded.

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